Children get to go outside every day if possible.

Being outdoors offers children opportunities for doing things in different ways and on a different scale to indoors. It gives children first-hand contact with weather, seasons and the natural world. Outdoor environments offer children freedom to explore, use their senses and be physically active.

The philosophy of our Outdoor Learning is based upon the desire to provide young children with an education which encourages appreciation of the wide, natural world and which fosters empathy for other living creatures and hopefully a sense of responsibility and care for the natural world in which we all live.

The children are committed to spending sessions outdoors, regardless of the weather and they explore and use natural materials found within the environment.

The children quickly learn boundaries, both physical and social, within which they must work. They respond to the sense of freedom and adhere to the rules laid down for their safety.

Within this environment it is possible to encourage the children to move supportively away from close adult interaction to become more responsible for each other and for themselves. There is also more emphasis on observation of nature as the children will see their environment in all the seasons. Extended learning indoors includes using and being creative with collected and treasured items found while exploring outside, as well as the opportunity for children to take us through their narrative of their adventures.

Feedback for parents

When you collect your child from the nursery you will be given summary of your child’s day. This will include; what your child has eaten, and the activities they have been involved in. Staff will be available to discuss any concerns/needs when you drop off or collect your child.